Virtual Organization Education Specialist Intern


We are part of the world’s most exclusive fraternity and sorority of Virtual Organization Executives.  Pioneers and members of a world of virtual organizations we are all headed toward whether we want to or not: The New Virtual Organization World::  It’s a New Principled and Civilized World,  It’s Virtual, and It’s Organized!   And Our Ultimate Cause is Human Evolution.

We are unlike any other organization that you have ever encountered – or will ever encounter – throughout your lifetime.   It’s NOT hype.  Read on and you’ll see what we mean.


Different in every sense of the word that you can think of.   From Our Cause,  Vision, Mission and Objectives, Organizational Structure … and Reward for a Job Well Done :: and, most importantly,  it starts with our recruitment and onboarding process for those Collaborators and potential Partners who Share Our Ultimate Cause – as well as how we engage with them going forward.


We only seek to Collaborate and Partner with Promising, Idealistic, Visionary and Futurist Students who Share Our Ultimate Cause – Human Evolution.  And our internship recruitment and onboarding process at VOMI Global Think Tank  is specifically designed to identify and accommodate those students.  You can forget about these lengthy job descriptions, ridiculous experience and qualification requirements, and these carefully crafted, silly and nonsensical interviews (more like interrogations).


This is a 30-Day UNPAID 100% Virtual Organization Internship –  working on a part-time basis for up to 20 hours a week.    There is a possibility it could be extended for an additional period of 30 days based on your initial performance during the first 30 days.  Our internship program is Year-Round and is open to all applicants worldwide who meet our strict requirements.

We also offer a 60-Day UNPAID Summer Internship in a 100% virtual organization environment – working on a full-time basis for a maximum of 40 hours per week (June 1 – July 31).   All selected summer interns who have successfully completed the entire 60-day internship will receive a $5000 STIPEND to be used exclusively for Tuition and Education expenses.    Such stipend to be distributed in two (2) equal installments on July 1 and August 1.


We’ll spare you the hype!   That’s for you to decide after you’ve had a chance to review the ton of materials we make available to those Collaborators who Share Our Ultimate Cause – Human Evolution.   It will definitely take you many days to go through these materials.  You will learn more than you could ever imagine about any organization, what makes you and us so special,  and how you fit into the scheme of things.

Therefore, proceed beyond this point only if you share Our Ultimate Cause.  

Otherwise, please share this virtual organization internship opportunity with one or more friends, colleagues, associates and acquaintances whom you believe this exclusive Collaborator internship opportunity would be of great interest.

You never know how this one thoughtful and generous act may eventually turn out for both you and that person.


You’re still here! ….  As Virtual Organization Education Specialist Intern (a 30-Day UNPAID 100% virtual organization internship), you will receive experiential training in various aspects of “Virtual Organizations”  and the “Virtual Organization Management” discipline and assist VOMI Faculty with basic virtual organization classroom organization and flow, among other critical experiences.  Will meet on a daily or consistent basis with your faculty advisor to discuss your experiences, progress  and growth in accordance with our vision of The New Virtual Organization World and the pursuit of Human Evolution.

A most prestigious Collaborator internship opportunity in The New Virtual Organization World. 

That means you get an opportunity to be introduced to a budding Circle of Influence which will eventually consist of quite a number of executives at some of the highest levels of business, government and academia in The New Virtual Organization World::  It’s a New Principled and Civilized World,  It’s Virtual, and It’s Organized!    And Your Reward for a Job Well Done is truly beyond measure.  

That was the easy part.   However, such exposure and prestige requires extensive knowledge of The New Virtual Organization World and a tremendous body of knowledge about the Human Evolution cause – as well as its judicious use and application.

Now here is the sobering part:   This is NOT your typical internship position that you can just step right into after sending a resume and an interview.   Becoming a Virtual Organization Education Specialist Intern is a more serious and time-consuming  process!


In chronological order:

  • Gain a 360-degree view of The New Virtual Organization World and the founder of VOMI.

Review the following articles:   (0)  Are You Ready for Human Evolution ::   (1)  A Global Need for Principled Geopolitical Leaders (a 271-page document) :: (2)   Digital Currency Adoption Strategy for Cloud and Crypto Currency Companies (a 38-page document) :: (3)   It Was Only A Matter of Time: We Now Accept ALL Digital and Crypto Currencies :: (4)  The Ultimate Global Collaborator: An Official Global Ambassador AGENT :: (5)  Collaborate to Evolve and Prosper Or Cooperate to … :: (6)  How Much Would It Cost to Create a Superintelligent AI with 100% Human Capabilities? :: (7)  All Roads Lead to Damascus:: Where All Dreams of a Better World Meet a Fateful End :: (8)  Can’t Afford to Join The New Virtual Organization World Consortium? Here Is How … :: (9)  An “Otherworldly” Financial and Economic System is Oxygen and Water For … :: (10)  I Don’t Care About Growing Sales and Scaling the Business Nor Do I Have a Need … :: (11)  Host a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based on a “Civilized World Financial System” :: (12)  Principled Digital Marketing Strategy for “Otherworldly” Futurists, Pioneers and Innovators :: (13)  Embrace The New Virtual Organization World or Die By the Sword of Obsolescence :: (14)  A Global Debt Crisis of $217 Trillion Dollars:: The Solution Is Within YOUR Reach Now! :: (15) Let US Manifest! :: (16)  Is Your Organization Ready for a COOP Event? Time for Virtual Organization Aptitude Assessment.

  • Apply to begin your journey at VOMI Global Think Tank as Virtual Organization Education Specialist Intern. 

Submit your request for Insights Into the Virtual Organization Education Specialist Intern opportunity at VOMI Global Think Tank.  (It’s a request for a videoconference  with the founder of VOMI Global Think Tank.)

  • A Videoconference with the founder of VOMI Global Think Tank will be arranged.

Upon review of your background and acceptance of your request, a videoconference will be scheduled with the founder of VOMI Global Think Tank.

  • A formal Virtual Organization Internship Offer Letter will be sent by VOMI Global Think Tank.

Upon conclusion of a successful videoconference, VOMI Global Think Tank will send you a formal invitation and Offer Letter to become a Virtual Organization Education Specialist Intern.

  • End of Internship.   Letter of Virtual Organization Internship Completion.  Chairman’s Merit Award Certificate for Outstanding Virtual Organization Performance.

Upon successful completion of the virtual organization internship,  VOMI Global Think Tank will issue you a  Letter of Virtual Organization Internship CompletionChairman’s Merit Award Certificate will be issued to interns with a record of Outstanding Virtual Organization Performance.


Now that you know what we mean when we say,  WE ARE DIFFERENT in every sense of the word,   you can begin the process we’ve just outlined Only If You Share Our Cause.

Otherwise, please share this opportunity with one or more friends, colleagues, associates and acquaintances whom you believe this exclusive and most prestigious Collaborator opportunity would be of great interest.

You never know how this one thoughtful and generous act may eventually turn out for both you and that person.